Published Books

Published Books


1976 The Outlines of the Civil Procedure I (Korean) (Seoul: Kyungmunsa Pub., revised ed. 1979, 1980, 1981)
1976 Cases and Materials on the Civil Procedure (Korean) (Seoul: Bupmunsa Pub., revised ed. 1980, 1982)
1977 General Theories of Law (Korean) (co-ed. Seoul National University Publishing Division)
1980 Lawrence M. Friedman, Legitimacy and the Jurisprudence of Rights in Western Law, translated by Sang-Hyun Song, in the Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Legal Philosophy Between East and West (National Academy of Sciences)
1983 Introduction to the Law and Legal System of Korea (English) (1187p., Seoul: Kyungmunsa Pub.)
1983 Melvin A. Eisenberg, The Structure of the Corporation, translated by Sang-Hyun Song and Kon-sik Kim (Korean) (300p., Seoul: Kyungmunsa Pub.)
1984 A Mitchell Polinsky, An Introduction to Law and Economics, translated by Sang-Hyun Song and Sang Jo Jong (Korean) (280p., Seoul: Kyungmunsa Pub.)
1985 The Civil Procedures (Korean) (Korea National Open University Publishing Division, revised ed. 1994, 1998, 2003)
1987 Issues on the New Copyrights Law (Korean) (Korea Intellectual Property Research Society, Inc.)
1989 Collection of Intellectual Property Laws (Korean) (Seoul: Pubkyung Pub. Co.)
1989 The Commentaries on the Korean Computer Program Protection Law (Korean) (co-authored, 288p., Seoul National University Press)
1990 The Korean Civil Procedure (Korean) (Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub., revised ed. 1993, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2011, 2014)
1993 Basic Text on Maritime Law in Korea (Korean) (Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub., revised ed. 1999, 2005, 2008, 2015)
1996 Korean Law in the Global Economy (English) (1500., Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub.)
2002 Festschriften I for Professor Shimdang Song Sang Hyun on his 60th Birthday, entitled,
“Prospects and Tasks of the Civil Law in Korea” (Korean), Festschrift Publishing Committee (1054p., Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub.)
2002 Festschriften II for Professor Shimdang Song Sang Hyun on his 60th Birthday, entitled,
“Prospects and Tasks of the Commercial Law in Korea” (Korean), Festschrift Publishing Committee (981p., Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub.)
2007 Anthology of Professor Shimdang Song Sang Hyun’s Works I, II, III combined on the occasion of his Retirement (Korean) (Seoul: Pakyoungsa Pub.)
2015 “An Eternal Lighthouse in my Mind – Unforgettable Teacher Song Sang Hyun,” Collection of Essays of his Disciples
and Colleagues on the Occasion of his Retirement from the ICC (Korean and English) (447p., Seoul: Pakyoungsa, Pub.)